Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playing with Food


My friend made these wonderful "mushrooms" for brunch.  She kindly made them for my kids, but I loved them most.  This is exactly the type of thing I like to blog about, something that brought me a moment of joy.  As soon as I saw these I smiled and was happy.  All was right in the world.

I digress.  To make these, stand a boiled egg upright.  Top with three quarters of a tomato (has to be just the right size for an egg) and dot with mayonnaise.  Sprinkle chopped chives on the plate. Smile.

"Monster" bread
Another playful item that my friend made were "monster" breads.  She shaped the dough into animal shapes and then stuck pine nuts halfway into the bread which made them look spiky.  They were sort of dinosaur looking in the end :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

There were a couple of really good subjects I should have blogged about in December.  But I forgot to take pictures and the holidays caught up with me.

Happy New Year everyone and I'll be back soon!