Saturday, September 4, 2010

The first post!

I've never thought of myself as a blogger.   I'm generally a quiet person and I'm not a writer.  So what would I blog about?

Lately I've been thinking that I'd like to share many things that I have experienced, so other people can have that same experience (or something similar) if they'd so like.  Tonight I was eating at one of my favorite cheap eats in S.F. that I recently discovered and thought "I'm going to start a blog and share the joy".  So here it is.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and would love your comments. 


  1. Wow Cindy; I think there's a hidden talent for writing that maybe you didn't know you had. This is a very impressive first start - keep it up!

    Ron Forbes

  2. Thanks Ron! That makes me happy to hear that. I hope you are well.

  3., I've been wanting to start a blog but don't know what subject...wish I were back in the City
